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Tom Gale

President, MDM Analytics

How Analytics Are Changing While Analytics Changes Everything

Tom Gale, President
MDM Analytics

Monday, March 12, 2018

•profit analytics •market intelligence •WayPoint Analytics •distribution management best practices •management strategies •industry perspective •Wholesale Distribution Industry •distribution industry trends •new opportunities for distribution industry •distribution industry technology •Randy MacLean •market share

Technology in the distribution industry has advanced to the point where the real leaders are being guided and propelled forward by strong analytics that connect directly to their profitability.

Analysts, data scientists, and other individuals who are able to analyze the data and make the connection in terms of the business value are the kinds of people who are able to ask the right questions that will provide huge value to a distribution company.

Learn more in this video with Randy MacLean of WayPoint Analytics and Tom Gale, of IMI. [click for article]

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For more information about Tom Gale, visit: www.mdmanalytics.com

What's Coming in Distribution

Tom Gale, President
MDM Analytics

Monday, August 24, 2015

•competitive strategy •2020 Vision •market intelligence •distribution management best practices •profit strategy •expert interview •industry perspective •MDM •Wholesale Distribution Industry •new opportunities for distribution industry •distribution industry technology

In this discussion with Tom Gale of Gale Media and MDM, Randy MacLean learns Gale's perspectives on what's going on in the market, getting Tom's insights and predictions on what will happen over the next five years.

Gale and MacLean discuss how the recession of 2008-2009 was a real accelerator to creating competitive advantage from a technology standpoint, and the fact that we are now in an unprecedented technological revolution, the cost of processing power and technology capability have absolutely compressed in such a short amount of time.

They also go on to discuss the important role good talent continues to play, but that one of the real critical shifts taking place is that companies are more willing to take a hard look at changing the business model that worked ten years ago and identifying what the business model is going to look like five years from now.

Watch this informative video to hear more about this and other key shifts taking place in the wholesale distribution industry. [click for article]

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For more information about Tom Gale, visit: www.mdmanalytics.com

About Industrial Market Information

Tom Gale, President
MDM Analytics

Monday, November 3, 2014

•competitive strategy •customer demographics •market intelligence •marketing practices •expert interview •management strategies •industry perspective •MDM •distribution industry technology

Tom Gale, President of Industrial Market Information (IMI), is interviewed by Randy MacLean of WayPoint Analytics. During the interview they discuss how IMI is different from other marketing-related information companies since most of those companies measure the information they and their clients have, but IMI takes a broader approach and often measures information they don't have.

The core competency of Industrial Market Information has always been helping customers get better visibility into the market opportunities for their product categories in particular geographies and for the customer segments that they address.

IMI helps them identify either areas within specific markets that they might not be addressing or market areas outside of their current operations. [click for article]

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For more information about Tom Gale, visit: www.mdmanalytics.com

How MDM is Always Adapting to a Changing Marketplace

Tom Gale, President
MDM Analytics

Monday, October 6, 2014

•market intelligence •industry perspective •MDM

Tom Gale talks about some of the "behind the scenes" activities at Modern Distribution Management that drive continuous change so the company remains relevant and continuously provides new value to its readers. [click for article]

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For more information about Tom Gale, visit: www.mdmanalytics.com


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